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What is Morton’s Neuroma?

Chances are many of us have experienced foot problems in our life at least once!  There are many different ailments that can affect our feet and for a number of different reasons.  A very specific foot problem with a unique presentation is Morton’s Neuroma. 


Morton’s Neuroma (MN) is a painful foot condition whereby pain is predominantly experienced at the ball of the affected foot. MN most commonly manifests between the 3rd and 4th toes, however, it can be present between other toes and affect multiple toes of the same foot at the same time.  Aside from the pain it produces, a very common and distinctive symptom of MN is the sensation of walking on a pebble.


MN occurs when nerve tissue running between the toes is irritated and/or injured.  This can occur via direct trauma or pressure (commonly exerted by wearing tight shoes for long periods of time or the excessive wearing of high heeled shoes). 


Generally, there is no external sign or change that can be seen on the foot by a patient. Your Chiropractor, through a detailed history and physical examination that includes orthopaedic tests, can determine if you are suffering from MN and if you require any specialized tests such as x-ray analysis.  Once appropriately diagnosed, MN can be effectively treated in office by a Chiropractor with a number of manual techniques, rehab and lifestyle modifications.


If you think you are suffering from MN or another foot problem, please do not hesitate to contact our office to book an appointment so that one of our amazing therapists can diagnose and help treat your problem!


Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.). M.Sc., D.C.

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