*not affiliated with any specialty college

  Contact : 416-385-0110

We Live in a Changed World

COVID-19 has not only changed our lives and our world, it has also changed the way we live and interact with our environment and each other.


We at The Sports Specialist Rehab Centre are eager to learn more regarding how this world altering event has changed your life.  What are the emotional and physical challenges that you must contend with on a daily basis?  What is your definition of “health”?  What is your most significant challenge to staying healthy in our current world?


Please feel free to contact us via telephone or email to provide your responses to the questions above.  Through your responses, we can better understand the new healthcare requirements of our patients.  With this invaluable information, we can then modify, refine and develop services in order to meet those requirements, assisting our patients in achieving thier health goals as they each uniquely define.


We appreciate your time and the sharing of your thoughts.


Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, BSc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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