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Safe Shovelling!

Winter is on its way!  That means many of us will soon be shovelling lots of snow!  Shovelling snow from driveways, walkways and external stairs may be a necessity especially when snow blocks our paths making it difficult to get to where we have to go.  However, shovelling snow can be a hazardous chore in disguise.


In general, I like to recommend to patients simple tips in order to protect themselves while shovelling snow.  These tips can minimize the likelihood of injury while still allowing individuals to get the job done.  While some of these tips may seem unusual, time consuming and even down right silly, if implemented they can help to protect your body while shovelling all that snow.  


Here are my helpful tips:


-Prior to shovelling, warm up your body!  Move the major joints of the body used for shovelling (eg. the knees, ankles, hips, low back, shoulder and elbow joints) by just moving them gently for a few minutes while standing up and pacing.


-Rather than shovelling on your left or right side, try to keep the shovel midline (i.e. middle of the body where the belly button is located) while keeping your back straight in a neutral position.


-Push snow rather than lift it.


-Take breaks every 10 minutes.


-Push less snow with each pass of the shovel, reducing the overall load.


-Ensure that layered warm clothing still allows for full range of motion of your joints.


Ask your healthcare provider to review shovelling tips with you prior to the arrival of snow.  For those with existing heart and/or lung conditions, I strongly recommend that you consult a healthcare provider prior to shovelling.


Thank you and remember, fresh snow is an opportunity for snowball fights as well!

Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, BSc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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