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Lace Up Those Skates

It’s finally winter!  That means many of us will be participating in fun winter activities outdoors like skating.  That said, in order to minimize the likelihood of injury, it is important to perform a few basic warm up activities specifically geared for skating prior to lacing up those blades!


  1. Prior to skating, get active first by simply walking around the rink/ice surface for 5-10 mins.  This will get the major joints moving and prepped for work while also getting your cardiovascular system primed.


  1. The primary joints involved in skating are the ankle, knee and hip joints.  As such, prior to lacing up the skates, I recommend 3 sets of 10 of the following for each joint:

-ankles: up/down and clockwise/counterclockwise rotations (perform while sitting)

-knees: bend and straighten (perform while standing)

-hips:  move the legs forward-back and in-out motion (perform while standing)


  1. After lacing up, I recommend a few minutes of a mild skate around the rink before you really dig in and let loose!


EXTRA TIP:  Wear comfortable clothing that will allow for the body to move easily in an unrestricted fashion while skating.


If you have specific concerns regarding skating or need further guidance, do not hesitate to contact your healthcare provider today for advice and recommendations.  Safe skating!

Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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