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Keto Coffee and Almond Milk

There are many misconceptions about smoothies.  You throw in some fruit, pick a milk base and off you go.  But do you really know how much sugar you’re drinking?


Here is my rendition of a smoothie, that’s low in sugar, I drink daily to help curb cravings and keep me full on a busy day between patients.


Keto Coffee 


Depending on my mood that day I either add the coffee or just use the base of unsweetened almond milk. 



1 ½ cups of unsweetened almond milk ( I increase by ½ cup of almond milk if i remove the coffee that day)

½ cup fresh brewed coffee

1 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp MCT Oil ( Medium chain triglycerides) 

1 tbsp powdered peanut butter

half of a scoop of whey protein powder (chocolate or vanilla works well)

1 tbsp of marine collagen 


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth 


* Please note that you have to slowly introduce MCT oil into the diet as it can cause gastrointestinal disturbances. I would recommend starting with 1 tsp and see how your body reacts and gradually increase.


*I usually make this the night before and store in a mason jar in the fridge, allowing the chia seeds to gel and flavors to heighten.


I’ll include the recipe I use if I’m feeling particularly adventurous that week and make my own almond milk.

Fresh Almond Milk 


I’m sure you have noticed when reading a carton of alternative milk products there can be a long list of ingredients- added thickeners, sweeteners and flavourings.


Homemade nut milks are very easy to make and so unbelievably fresh!



1 cup raw almonds

4 cups of water

1- 2 tsp of vanilla extract

1-2 tsp of cinnamon or cocoa powder (optional) 



Place almonds in a glass bowl and add 3 cups of filtered water, cover with a kitchen towel and refrigerate overnight.


Drain and rinse well, discard soaking liquid 


Place nuts in a high-speed blender with 4 cups of fresh water.  For a slight sweetness you can add dates, vanilla extract or cocoa powder to flavor the milk.


Strain using a nut milk bag you can find these at bulk barn.  Over a glass bowl gently squeeze. Refrigerate and drink within 2 to 3 days.


*The discarded almonds I refrigerate and use as almond flour. 

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