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Cauda Equina Syndrome

“I just informed my Chiropractor that I’m suffering from low back pain.  Why was I asked about my bowel and bladder function?”


As licensed doctors and health care providers, the role of a Chiropractor is not only to figure out (i.e. “diagnose”) the problem a patient may present with, but also to rule out more serious and possibly life altering or threatening concerns.


WIth respect to the acute onset of low back and pelvic pain, one of the most serious concerns is Cauda Equina Syndrome.  “Cauda Equina” (literally translates to “horse’s tail” in Latin) is the name given to the tail end of the spinal cord at the level of the low back and sacrum in humans.  When this bundle of neurological tissue is compromised (for a number of different reasons) it can not only result in the production of low back and/or pelvic pain (which most patients are aware and mindful of) but also a change in bowel and/or bladder function (often missed by patients in lieu of focusing on their pain).  The change in bowel and bladder function could be indicative (along with other features such as “saddle paresthesia”) that Cauda Equina is in progress.  If the condition is not adequately addressed, there could be dramatic and possibly permanent life changing alterations in bodily function below the waist.  A detailed history and thorough physical exam including orthopaedic testing, neurological assessment and muscle motor function tests can help the attending Chiropractor determine if Cauda Equina Syndrome may be present, necessitating an immediate referral to an Emergency Room.  


With the combination of our intense educational framework and thorough assessment tools, Chiropractors can determine if what might appear as “regular low back pain” may, in fact, be a medical emergency.  Providing the appropriate referral information and informing a patient of the clinical importance of the event can prevent the patient from experiencing possible detrimental changes for the rest of their life.


For more information how Chiropractors can assess your problems and help you, please feel free to contact our office at 416-385-0110.


Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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